The deadline for the Focus module is almost here, having spend a number of hours trying to experience as much as I could throughout the year I just cannot believe it is coming to a close. Not only the Focus module but my overall portfolio commences within the next few weeks. Every week i'd think about whether I have learnt enough, could I have planned better of even visited more exhibitions. Here what I thought of my experience.
Focus Week 1 I tried to motivate the landscsape animal inside of me by visiting many existing landscape projects: that range from commercial, public and residential area. This was an awakening, it provided me with the inspiring steps to start my year and made me aware of whats at stake (Degree). In this week I developed an understanding of what is expected and gathered this knowledge through the use of basic computer skills such as how to plot scaled maps from digimaps into AutoCAD, a base line for every landscape architect as a student needs to master. Coherantly I began to read a book "Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture", which provided me with the understanding of how much I needed to develop my designs for my third year.
Then came Focus Week 2, A week which I had set out to discover the software expert that I intend to be. This week consisted of non stop software learning session hosted by myslef, to improve my current skills and develop them further. I really got the hang of Vectorworks modelling software and this aided me into developing my abstract model for first semester. The highlight of this week had to be vising a friend and former student of kingston university Ben Smith, He showed me the work he carried out in his Oxford home in the Summer of 2010. He showed me how he constucted it and the methods he used.
Focus Week 3 I looked forward to, there were many lectures being held at out campus. The professional talks held were amazing, influencial and motivation. It proves staying with your intrests will get you far in life, having heard some of their influenced inspired me to believe that anything is possible. It was also a week that reminded me of the time when I was in secondary school in the Design Technology class, Amodels inspired me to confront my designs in a way of abstract. A very useful week in terms of learning from other peoples experiences.
Focus Week 4, is one that I couldn't miss out on, Ecobuild! An event that Ed is always pressuring me to attend and this year I finally went, a very productive week started by vising exhibitions, then attendind Ecobuil and rounding it off with more exhibitions. Having visited Ecobuild I wish that there was more to do with landscape as I'd felt partly led down with its initiative in Ecobuild, all there were was solar lighting companies and loads of arhcitect based companies and lectures. Although I managed to incorporate some arhchitect based lecture into landscape. This week by far I was most productive in I'd manage to vist the Design Museum, attend 3 days at Ecobuild, visit the London Street Photography exhibition and the Pioneers of Downtown Event at the Barbican.
Although this was then close of Focus, I'd wish I could have done more, been more porduction, learn't more skills and developed my landscape studies further. I have noticed that for each week I could have planned better and split each week into categories such as a week for Reading, Software uses, Exhibitions, Events and a week for visiting more landscape established designs.
However I believe that a have fulfilled a large gap in my studies in Lanscape and also would love to do this all again, continue to visit more exhibitions and galleries to inspire us as designers.